19 Feb Taken 3: Grand-Rex Premiere
Taken 3 continues to strike the audience, with more than 160 million dollars earned worldwide.
Olivier Megaton latest movie will be released on the French soil this Wednesday and some lucky persons had the chance to be at the Grand-Rex premiere, in Paris.
Olivier was able – before the screening, to give us some elements about how came the greenlighting of Taken 3, but also about his next movie.
Though Taken and Taken 2 had great success, Liam Nesson didn’t see himself returning back for a third one, letting in place his daughter’s character (played by Maggie Grace).
However, Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen succeed in surprising him, with a script where nobody was taken, interesting the actor who quickly contacted director Olivier Megaton.
After having directed two movies out of three, Olivier wants to come back to a movie far from the blockbuster stereotype but as a new challenge to him.